Title: Red
Artist: David Spriggs
Trafačka, Prague, Czech Republic.
Date: 2012
Size: 9.5 x 4.5 x 6.8 m
Materials: Layered painted transparencies, metal framework

With ‘Red’, at first glance, the viewer is given the impression that they are looking at a massive cloud of red colour suspended in space. The colour itself is objectified. Upon further reflection is the notion of the ephemeral nature of a colour which appears to change as the viewer navigates the work. The installation was exhibited in the former powerplant Trafacka, Prague. ‘Red’ fills the expanse with majestic power not simply by its scale, but also by immersing the hall in its vibrant red glow. Making use of the impressive height of the hall, ‘Red’ is intended to be viewed from multiple levels and angles within the space. The three-dimensional aspect that is characteristic of Spriggs’ work is transformed in this piece, into an examination of colour-through-space.

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Red - Video Documentation